domingo, 24 de enero de 2016

Bringing up children

It’s Sunday afternoon and here I am, ready to write a blog entry in front of the computer. The issue I have chosen for today is bringing up children.
Often, when my kids were younger I thought what difficult was to bring them up correctly. Being parents is one of the most stressful and difficult tasks I have ever had.  It is said that kids are born with a silver spoon in their mouth.  I have always thought they should be born with a manual where we could find some advice for helping us with their upbringing. I am just kidding of course, it is impossible to have rules for upbringing children. The way a child is raised depends on a lot of things. Not only parents but also the rest of the family, the school and the environment in general contribute to child upbringing.
I am not a specialist person to say what the best way to raise the children is. But, as a mother myself, I reckon the most important thing is the way we act and behave because children learns by imitating what they see around.

One day, somebody told me something that I have never forgotten. It was a day I was worry because I told one of my kids off severely and I didn’t feel very well. I’ve always been very strict with my children and sometimes I was no sure if I was doing right. What that person told me was the following: “parents are never perfect but always do their best”. That´s true, being a parent is not easy at all but is rewarding. So, if you are a parent don’t hesitate and keep trying doing your best. Good luck!